Thursday, March 18, 2010

99 days?!?

Mendenhall Glacier

Just thought I'd throw in some eye candy on today's blog! I live pretty close to a glacier and just went out there for a walk with my baby sis and our kids.  Good times!

Well, I pulled up my blog and I noticed 99 days left on the count down!  99 days?!?  Which leads me to my run last night.  I felt an overwhelming surge of accomplishment over the fact that I even went and did it.  I was sure trying to talk myself out of it with excuses galor.....too tired, it's too late, I'll make it up on the rest of the days, I ate a small piece of dessert too close to running and I may get an upset went on and on.  I sounded like Sybil in my head!   I finally went at 8:45.  I once again was crazy with my pace and wasn't consistent and then had to walk a lot.  I had some crazy left shin/calf pain and after thr run some cramping.  All this said, I didn't let it get to me.  I kept on repeating my goal which is to finish the marathon.  If I have to walk or even crawl some of it I WILL be finishing 26.2 miles.  So I decided that even if I didin't run the whole 4 miles, I was still getting in the mileage.  I  walked  hobbled away from that run feeling pretty darn good about myself.  And hello?!?!?  What a marvel icing is!  My left leg wasn't liking me too much and my calves were not pleased with me either.  I've always figured I wasn't a candidate for icing until I ran over 8 miles at the very least.  The icing felt fabulous along with the stretches and wouldn't you know, I didn't wake up as sore as I thought I'd be, especially in that left calf. 

Today is a three mile scheduled and my goal for today is to run at a consistent pace and not be so sprint-happy.  Slow and steady, right?  I'd like to stay at 5.0 - 5.2 on tonight's run.  I'll check back in later and let you know how it went.  I'm feeling pretty sassy about tonight's run.  Not only did I go on an online shopping spree, I stopped at the local outdoor enthusiast store and bought a foam roller and then I bought a light blue moisture wicking short sleeve shirt.  Can't wait to try it on tonights run.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

slacking, shopping, that order!

So after my most awesome run last Monday, my little sis comes into town with her baby for 5 days.  Alls I can say is that I really had the best intentions.  Long story short, no running, excellent eating habits hit the deck and my sleep was all messed up.  Enjoyed the visit but hated the underlying guilt I was making myself feel.  I worried about not running for a week and how it would affect my training.

That was my slacking....

A lot of doubts plagued me yesterday when I went for my run on the treadmill.  I was poking around at home when I knew I had a limited amount of time before work.  I had to call my sissy for moral support and as she called me back I had realized I didn't have my heart rate monitor on me.  After some tough love sissy-style and some self talk of..."who cares if you don't have your've got your legs, right?!?" I hopped on that treadmill and ran my little heart out.  I may have walked for a minute here and there and my pace was very erratic, I was two minutes slower than my last run, but darn it if I didn't still feel like a runner.  That feeling was there again of giddy accomplishment.  Folks, it has happened I think.  I now think of myself as a runner!

On that positive note, this self professed runner decided to go shopping.  Here's the loot!
An awesome long sleeve running shirt from REI

26.2 Miles....What Could Possibly Go Wrong?!?

Now I'm staring at some bondi bands....hmmm...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Nothing tastes as good as todays run felt!

As I was walking out of the gym to my car I was hit with this overwhelming feeling of shear..... joy/happiness/awesomeness/wellbeing/accomplishment....I can't even describe it but it was an awesome feeling.  I thought of the saying my sister just reminded me of, "Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin Feels"  Since I havne't been "thin" since circa 1997, I honestly can't say I have yet to truly know that quote.  But I digress, let's get to the skinny of today's post (pardon the pun!)  I'm a s - l - o - w runner.  Around week 5 of the C25K I had to come to terms with the fact that I could only jog at a 4.2 to 4.5 if I really wanted to run longer.  So, I've been trotting along most recently at a 4.5 comfortably and even up to a 4.8 consistently.  I have been feeling really good about my most of my runs (except those darn 4 milers!)  To put things in perspective, I'm relatively a taller gal clocking in at 5'8" with long legs.  Once again, slow runner but okay with it....for now.
Well today I decided before my run I was just going to start out at 5.0 and see how long before I hyper-ventilated and had to drop back down to my standard 4.5.  Did I have to?  NOOOO!  I felt great at 5.0!  Not winded, not looking like I was going to pass out, just comfortably running.  Today was the day I felt like a runner, a REAL runner.  I know I shouldn't be obsessed about numbers but I can't help it.  At this point in my journey, numbers are a help not a hinderance.  I ran 3 miles at an 11 something pace!  If I could just bottle this feeling pull it out and bask in the glow through out the day....hmmmmm....put's a smile on my face just thinking about it! 
NOTHING could ever taste as good as this momment felt.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Another week bites the dust!

Good luck to all Disney Princesses running this weekend!
I have to start out appologizing for being MIA for a couple days.  I probably should've been writing instead of trying to work things out in my head by myself.  Actually, I lie about being by myself.  I've let my sissy in on my issues.  First off, HOLY HUNGRY!  This is the first week I've had where I have been monstrously hungry!  I'm documenting every bite that I take and have had to struggle with things not looking perfect.  I know, I know, "It's about the process not the perfection"  This kills the Virgo in me!  Now no one who knows me would ever call me a perfectionist but I do have some of the behaviors.  I get really down  on myself if it's not perfect.  So every day from Wednesday to Friday, this was me
Me sooo huuunnnngggrrryyyy!

It's all relative though.  I've looked at my past weightloss numbers and realized that for two weeks in a row I've lost 3.7 pounds each time.  Now I have to let you know that I wasn't eating terrible, I was just eating a lot more.  Holy moly! What's up with the pretzels and their siren song?  And peanut butter?!?  Well, no more dwelling on the past.  Just had to get that out there.

Add to my weird week, I also have insomnia at times and it happens day or night.  I mentioned it earlier but I work shift work, 3 nights at 12 hours a pop, Sunday night through Monday night.  Let's just say that on Wednesday after eating that extra taco and 2 chocolate covered nut somethings, I was STUFFED and TIRED.  I slept over 13 hours.  At times like these, I thank the Lord that my kids are older and somewhat independant.  I wouldn't have been so dissapointed in myself had I not wasted the day on top of that and NOT RUN!  So my week was running on Monday, Thursday, Friday and Today.  And sadly, it's all inside on the dreadmill.  It's practically huricane conditions here!  I'm totally overexagerating of course but it sure feels like it.  The rain/snow/wind doesn't leave for the best conditions out there. So today is 5 miles on the treadmill.  I can do it. I just need to harvest the power of positive thinking.
On the postive note, I did so much better on my 4 mile run and then again on my 3 mile run.  That's not to say that the 4 mile run was in any way enjoyable!  HA!  It was like pulling teeth!  My 3 mile run rocked my socks off.  I stayed consistent at a higher speed and felt really good.  This random lady next to me started running and I focused on pacing with her.  I think I shaved off 2 minutes + from my total time.  I kinda felt like a runner yesterday!

So week in review: Problems and Solutions

  • Still no cross-training!  AARRGGHH!  I've made up a few different scenarioes with different forms of cross training and how to incorporate them.  Next week will be a bit off, my little sis is comming to visist me for a couple days.  Never fear, I WILL be running.

  • Overeating/Hunger  I will admit that a couple times I really could've paused and let the mania pass.  I shall try to incorporate the drinking water and waiting 20 minutes.  Plus I will be looking for those low cal/ high volume foods that will fill me up.  Kinda like my oatmeal, which I should be making more of!  Delish! If I do snack, the snack item in question needs to consist of a fruit or veggie with some form of protien or fat.

  • wasn't really a problem.  I just need to get it in and get it done.  No lolly-gagging around.  I have 6 hours in which the girls are in school.  After they are done, it gets harder for me to run.  And suck it up!  So what if I have to train on the treadmill at times.  A friend of mine trained for ultras in Chile and France and had to do a majority of her running on the treadmill.  That being said, I really, really, really like running outside!

I know a lot of people read Jack Sh*t's blog but today was a pretty funny post.  Click here to read it.  He is too darn funny and puts an interesting spin on weightloss.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bloggy name change

So I was feeling pretty unoriginal with my blog name.  I for the life of me couldn't find anything witty or some play on words that would just rock my world.  I chose Run Bundles, Run because, well, I was running!  Bundles just happens to be a nickname that my brother so lovingly has called me since Jr. year of high school. Well today, I ran across a giveaway and great post my Mary over at Fit this, girl! Not only are there some Glo-bar giveaways, she's also putting in the bag an awesome handmade vision journal.  Long story short, I saw some words that just clicked for me. Awaken the Strength. That is so what I am doing right now.  The silent beast was slumbering for too long inside me and it's my time now to show myself that I am mightier than I ever could've imagined.  I am awakening the strength to become a marathoner, a fit and healthy mother, and a better me.

Monday, March 1, 2010

This Afternoon...Rain...windy. Highs around 43. East wind 20 to 30 mph with gusts to around 45 mph.

Hence, why I did not run outside today.  I was so bummed, I woke up to sunshine...or at least a little bit of it and just figured that I'd get my outside run. (back story, it was BLUSTERY today ala Winnie the Pooh when I got off work this morning at 7 a.m.)  Well, I opened the curtains and although indeed it was a bit sunny, there was some rockin' winds!
So I hopped on over to my gym and got on that treadmill.  I swear, after outside runs, I really am begining to understand why it has been dubbed the dreadmill!  Ran 3 miles and cut down on my time a little.  Overall, body felt great and I am still in love with running.  It has helped me loose, along with clean eating, 17 some odd pounds since Dec 30, 2009.  I've lost 2 inches on ma belly, waist, thighs!  And don't get me started on my thighs and calves....they are getting to be pretty darn awesome looking if I do say so myself!
Well, work calls so I have to keep this short.  Have a great night.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a report of some awesome cross-training!
A rainbow right outside my gym!