Thursday, March 18, 2010

99 days?!?

Mendenhall Glacier

Just thought I'd throw in some eye candy on today's blog! I live pretty close to a glacier and just went out there for a walk with my baby sis and our kids.  Good times!

Well, I pulled up my blog and I noticed 99 days left on the count down!  99 days?!?  Which leads me to my run last night.  I felt an overwhelming surge of accomplishment over the fact that I even went and did it.  I was sure trying to talk myself out of it with excuses galor.....too tired, it's too late, I'll make it up on the rest of the days, I ate a small piece of dessert too close to running and I may get an upset went on and on.  I sounded like Sybil in my head!   I finally went at 8:45.  I once again was crazy with my pace and wasn't consistent and then had to walk a lot.  I had some crazy left shin/calf pain and after thr run some cramping.  All this said, I didn't let it get to me.  I kept on repeating my goal which is to finish the marathon.  If I have to walk or even crawl some of it I WILL be finishing 26.2 miles.  So I decided that even if I didin't run the whole 4 miles, I was still getting in the mileage.  I  walked  hobbled away from that run feeling pretty darn good about myself.  And hello?!?!?  What a marvel icing is!  My left leg wasn't liking me too much and my calves were not pleased with me either.  I've always figured I wasn't a candidate for icing until I ran over 8 miles at the very least.  The icing felt fabulous along with the stretches and wouldn't you know, I didn't wake up as sore as I thought I'd be, especially in that left calf. 

Today is a three mile scheduled and my goal for today is to run at a consistent pace and not be so sprint-happy.  Slow and steady, right?  I'd like to stay at 5.0 - 5.2 on tonight's run.  I'll check back in later and let you know how it went.  I'm feeling pretty sassy about tonight's run.  Not only did I go on an online shopping spree, I stopped at the local outdoor enthusiast store and bought a foam roller and then I bought a light blue moisture wicking short sleeve shirt.  Can't wait to try it on tonights run.


  1. You will finish! And you will rock it! Yay for 99 days!

  2. Oh I need a good ol' motivational shopping spree too!

  3. Oh and btw, got an award for you over at my blog! Cheers!

  4. Hooray for 99 days!
    I love the picture!

  5. Wow, Alaska looks a LOT different than California right now. :)
    It's exciting to hear about somebody that is about to be initiated into the marathon club. Best of luck training!
