Friday, October 8, 2010

Today's run was.....

Excellent!  Although there were some technical difficulites still with the running app, I pre-trouble shooted most of them.  I kept the phone in my front pocket this time for easier access.  And hallelujiah, I have decided on my plan from now until Marathon Day.  It is the 8K program which is 10 weeks and then I will start the 4 day a week Hal Higdon 1/2 marathon training program until it's time to start full marathon training.  Next week, instead of moving on, I'm going to re-do this week with week 1 on the training plan. I really liked the 7 min run/1 min walk combo.  I felt challenged and yet I didn't over-do anything.  My left hip/butt/leg made some noise at the bitter end but I foam rolled and stretched like no ones business!

Truth time...
My eating has SUCKED! Lot's of emotional eating which I'm trying to figure out the stem of it all (I think I know) and let's face it, I LOVE to bake.  I've been on a baking spree lately and I blame OhSheGlows completely!!!  And Mamma Pea too!!  It all started with her Blackberry Cinnamon Rolls and went downhill from there.  Heaven to taste!  And then add some Pumpkin Pie Banana Chunk Oatmeal Cookies and Pumpkin Gingerbread with Spiced Buttercream. Oy to the Vey!!!  Let's not get started with the scone-athon I went on.  The best recipe is here, hands down!So on top of all my baking, which does have very soothing qualites to it, I haven't been doing my cross training or abs.  My spinning/weight class pal took off to NYC (hate her!) and as for the excuse for no abs, I have none (holding head in shame).  That is my focus next week.  Abs!  Back to my sinful baking, I not only did that but I experimented with new food.  I tried tofu for the first time.  I made baked kale chips and ate an obscene amount of veggies.  I loved Caitlyn's combo from Healthy Tipping Point, sweet potatoes with baked beans and brussel sprouts.  Delish!

Have a great weekend!



  1. Gorgeous pics! Good luck with your training!

    I have some days when my eating is so off I wondered what the heck I was thinking. I can work out hard and then I guess I think it's ok to eat has hard as I worked out.. LOl Yea, that doesn't work.

    Have a good weekend!!

  2. This post made me hungry! They all sound so yummy =)

    hi! new follower here. Hope you can join my Stuffitts giveaway =)

  3. I was drooling just reading about your baking, I too have to quit the emotional eating and get my act together, glad I have some blogging buddies for support!

  4. Good luck with the half-marathon training! I've heard a lot of positive things about the Hal Higdon training program. Don't you just love that foam roller! :)
