Friday, November 19, 2010

I don't know how to say this but,

I'm kind of a big deal.


Cuz I got mah bootay out there and finally ran!  Hello, my name is Brandi.  I haven't run in 14 days.  Well get outa here sad sack and give this girl a high five!  Legs felt awesome although I think it was because it was so gosh darn cold that I couldn't feel them!  Some tightness in the IT band but was able to work through it by imagining the lovely foam rolling sesh waiting for me at home.  The only downer was a side stitch that I tried to breathe through but kept nagging me. Other than that, sunny weather, fresh legs and good times!

So it was my first run in 20 degree weather.  I ended up wearing 2 long sleeve moisure wicking shirts and my Brooks RNR jacket, long Moving Comfort pants, compression socks, hat and some gloves.  It was definitely a great combo to start out because I sure was chilly.  I may or may not have gotten a little too warm in my core area, the jury is still out on that one.  Overall, good outfit for a cold run.

On another note, Chelsea over at Will Run for Food posted a link to this article and booyah! it is awesome.  As Chelsea says, Everyone. Go read this. NOW!

Tomorrow starts the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge.  Head on over and sign up!  Here's a little info on the challenge from Run to the Finish:

The 3rd annual Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge is here!! We have had over 120 participants for the last two years and I expect even more this year. The goal of HBBC is to provide a little additional motivation to stay active and make good choices throughout the holiday season. The stats say the average American may gain at LEAST 5lbs…but even if you gain 2lbs and don’t lose it that adds up each year.


A. We had an awesome time! The involvement from everyone and encouragement is amazing.

B. It kept folks from gaining holiday poundage

C. Some seriously good prizes…Sweaty Bands, Once Again Nut Butter, Lara bar, New Balance Shorts, Oiselle Running tank, CEP socks, green teas, yoga bag…to name a few…more details to come.

Have a great weekend!!


  1. WAY TO GO GIRL! I want to join you and be a big deal too...come on motiovation, VISIT ME TOO!

  2. Good for you for breaking back into running! And seriously, HIGH FIVE!!!

  3. so impressed- my booty has been on the treadmill since temps dipped below 40! Kudos!
