Friday, May 8, 2009

I'm gonna do it, you can stop me!

I just ran to the store (thanks to Aunty Robin watching the girls!) and picked up some spinach. From reading T's post on the Green Monstor Smoothie, I decided to try it for tomorrow a.m. I'll post with pics and which version I used. Wish me luck!
One can get addicted to these blogs!


  1. Damn girl- I was wondering if you were reading it..did you find which one I was going to use! N Her Shoes and Oh She Glows blogs are my favorites right now,yes they are addicting! But I love it! Hang in there,my love and thanks for the shout out!

  2. Yeah, I did get the idea from you and so I searched Green Monster and came up with adult beverages and then I tried some others and finally came in NHerShoes and OhSheGlows. Lots of different ideas. I love those blogs!
