Monday, August 10, 2009

The Mayor of Blogtown is back.....

.........this time I'm hoofin' it outside. Hello! That was a toughy!
I've recomitted to running and I took my first run outside today. I figured I've accumulated enough fancy schmancy running gear, it's time use it like I stole it!
I'm starting from scratch, right back to square one. Today was Day 1, Week 1 of the Couch to 5k program. The 60 second interval runs with the 90 second walks didin't feel like sheer torture although I can really tell a difference running outside vs. running on a treadmill. I was a little discouraged by how much I've "lost" by not working out since...hmmm...June?!? But, I have to admit it felt good to be running again. I did the walk/run 31 minutes and 9 minutes of extra walking. I burned 451 calories in 40 minutes. I spent 26 minutes in the zone. My avg. HR was 149, my max was 182.
I'm pretty happy I just pulled on the shoes and ran. If I had waited for me to get a plan in motion and write it all out, I don't think I would've started working out for another 2 weeks! I've got a loose plan going in my head so far. Monday will be my run and 15 minutes on the eliptical, Tuesday will be a PowerFit DVD and 15 min eliptical, Wednesday will be PowerFit DVD and run, Thursday PowerFit and 15 min eliptical, Friday PowerFit and run and Saturday PowerFit and eliptical. The PowerFit DVD are 5 different workouts that focus on different body parts each workout and last about 20 minutes each. I haven't done them yet so I'm looking forward to them.
Well, off to bed. YEAH!! I ran!


  1. I Love hearing about your couch to 5k adventure--not sure if adventure is the right word! I am on week 4. cant wait to read more about your experiences.

  2. It always feel so good AFTER a run, doesn't it? Wish I could bottle it up and take a sip on the days that I don't want to get out of bed!! LOL

    Congrats on Day 1... looking forward to reading about the rest!
