Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week in Review

I used to love watching that on CNN in 10th grade! 

Although I didn't reach all my goals for the week, I sure did better than last.  Gotta stay positive, right?  I rocked the running portion of my week.  Slacked on Friday but made up for the non run day by getting a quick Saturday run in after the girls dance class.  I have my mom to thank for taking them while I ran.  I am just so jazzed at the progress I've been making in the short amount of time that I've been back at it.

I had planned on doing 3 day of abs but alas 1 was all I did.  MUST. WORK. ON. THAT.

I am pretty proud of my cross training attempt.  Wednesday was a rock ma bootay spin class.  Thursday, I didn't exactly make it to the gym but I managed a Cathe vid, Pyramid Upper Body and then 40 minutes of step.  Friday I missed spin due to choppin' my hair off at the salon.

Speaking of the salon, my pal/semi-ex hair stylist (he's too hard to get into these days!) was telling me about a beginners triathlon class.  I was about to jump up and down until he told me the days it will be on....Sunday eves.  Booo!  I have to work Sunday nights.  Oh well. 

Well, off to bed.  Night shift calls.  Have a great Sunday!!!


  1. You are doing great to be running AND including other activities! I can't get past just running, so even if you miss a few KUDOS for sticking to your plan for the most part! YOU ARE DOING GREAT!

  2. Grrat blog Brandi. I an excited to see your continued progress!
